Are we a part of the ‘NAR’ (New Apostolic Reformation) or the Christian nationalist movement?

In the last several years, many people have begun using the term New Apostolic Reformation to describe various ministers and/or groups who are Protestant Charismatic in nature, and who tend to focus on a developed hierarchical structure they believe represents the ‘five-fold ministry’ described in Ephesians 4:11 in a negative, authoritarian way. The problem is that there is no clear definition of who is involved with the ‘NAR’ and who is not, and all kinds of ‘witch hunting’ has occurred over supposed telltale beliefs of the ‘NAR’. This has led many Christian leaders to coordinate a response to the controversy with a statement clarifying their own beliefs on the ‘NAR’ and Christian nationalism. While we agree with the majority of the statement, there are a few points we felt needed to be refined, so we cannot sign it in good conscience. Therefore, we decided to create our own statement based on the one in the link above.

Judeo-Christian Statement on the ‘New Apostolic Reformation’ (NAR)

WE DO believe that YHWH is drawing the Christian Church toward an end-time Reformation. However, the center of this Reformation is based on the rediscovery of Biblical Faith, and submitting our lives to the authority of Scripture. It is not based in political conquest, human authority figures, systematic theologies, religious ritual structures, denominational institutions, or even supernatural and mystical experiences.

We AFFIRM the importance of the ‘five-fold ministry’ described in Ephesians 4:11 as being valid in the Church today. We believe these ministry functions have existed throughout Church history, even if not described in these exact terms. See our Statement of Faith, point 10C, for the description of these life callings.

We AFFIRM that contemporary apostolic and prophetic ministries are important for the well-being and mission of the Church, just as evangelistic, pastoral, and teaching ministries are important.

We DEMAND that any persons that are in any kind of ministry be committed to the full authority of Scripture, which is fully sufficient for the health and mission of the Church. It is “…God-breathed, and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17) In keeping with the teaching of Scripture, every person in ministry should align with the qualifications listed in 1 Timothy 3:1-13, carried out in the spirit described in Philippians Chapter 2. WE WILL NOT PARTNER with any organization or group claiming to be Christian that does not recognize the above point. Furthermore, The Didache provides excellent guidance for testing apostles, prophets, and teachers specifically.

We REJECT the belief that the words of any apostle or prophet supersede the authority of Scripture, and that submission to the authority of any such person claiming to be an apostle or prophet is mandated in the Church. The LORD is our authority, and the Bible is our final rule of faith and practice. However, it is wise to test the words of persons claiming to be apostles and prophets; if their words align with the Word of God, it is good to consider what they have to say, because God has given apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to the Church for their benefit. (Ephesians 4:11-12) But we are in no way bound by any authority other than Scripture.

We OPPOSE the possible abuse of ecclesial titles that manifests itself in self-proclaimed apostles and prophets claiming territorial authority over pastors in a community, city, or nation.

We REJECT the belief that ‘new revelation’ is essential for the life and growth of the Church or that contemporary apostles and prophets are the only ones privy to such ‘new revelation.’ We believe, in keeping with the New Covenant described in Jeremiah 31:31-34, that all persons who have entered this covenant are capable of full knowledge of God in living relationship with Him through Yeshua (Jesus).

In short, we DENY any affiliation with what is presently characterized as ‘NAR’ in many circles of both Christian and secular press. We also believe that reports of an alleged conspiratorial, worldwide, dangerous ‘NAR’ movement are highly exaggerated and misleading; by observing those who have actually described themselves as ‘NAR’, it is evident that they are generally power- and money-hungry opportunists who are preying on the desire for supernatural experience and lasting change, not a sophisticated, organized, underground revolutionary group.

Judeo-Christian Statement on ‘Christian Nationalism’

We RECOGNIZE that for some persons, the term ‘Christian nationalism’ simply refers to a healthy form of Christian patriotism, which includes loving God and loving one’s country. According to this definition, the term is benign.

We ALSO RECOGNIZE that some media outlets are using this term politically to incite division, to stoke hatred and political motivation into a frenzy for the purpose of motivating persons to political action. They will take this phrase out of context, falsely associate persons with dangerous, fringe groups, and unfairly malign persons who are simply those who want their country to succeed and live ‘quiet and peaceable lives’ in the blessings that come with alignment with God’s moral standards. (1 Timothy 2:1-4) For those who genuinely want to separate fact from fiction, we make these clarifying statements:

WE BELIEVE that God causes governments to rise and fall; He orchestrates governments and civil authority spheres for a purpose. YHWH is the one who originally created the boundaries and identities of nations as testified by Deuteronomy 32 and Acts 17.

WE ALSO BELIEVE that God did this in response to a sinful, humanist-driven desire to unify all of humanity under a one-world government at the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11; because of the sinful nature of all humanity, there will be conflict, nation against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, until Yeshua returns to reclaim the earth as His own.

We FURTHER BELIEVE that while God’s kingdom will manifest as a physical entity, having its foundation in the nation of Israel, it is a covenant between God and all those who submit to His governance from every nation, tribe, kindred, and tongue that exists on the earth. It is therefore a kingdom that is not like worldly kingdoms, but begins in the heart of the individual. This is why Jesus explained to Pilate at His trial that His kingdom “…is not of this world.” (John 18:36) Despite the history of Constantinian state-mandated ‘Christendom’, and even God’s use of nations who have implemented forced ‘Christianity’ among its citizens, Biblical Faith calls for us to be voluntarily submitted to His will, while respecting and praying for those in civil authority (Romans 13, 1 Timothy 2).

Given this, WE REJECT the notion that Biblical Judeo-Christian faith is ‘systemically racist’. The Bible teaches that God made one human race, expressed through different nationalities and ethnicities, all of which deserve dignity and respect, and all of which are not only able, but are welcome to participate in the kingdom of God as equal sons and daughters of the covenant. We CATEGORICALLY DENOUNCE AND DENY any affiliation with ideologies and movements claiming ethnic or racial superiority.

Despite its historical failings, We RECOGNIZE that America has a rich Judeo-Christian heritage, and to the extent we have honored that heritage, the nation has been blessed. While our society has a long way to go in the healing of our failings, we do NOT believe America is ‘systemically racist’ and evil, as it has been Jewish and Christian persons who have fought to correct America’s failings in concert with Biblical Faith; and we applaud those who encourage other Americans to pattern their lives after Judeo-Christian principles that have helped bring God’s favor to our nation through the generations, while promoting healing to those affected by our country’s past errors.

We FURTHER RECOGNIZE that no other nation has been used the way America has (and the United Kingdom to a lesser extent) to further the Gospel across the world. Because of the way America was established, the LORD has blessed it and has also used it to promote freedom, humanitarian welfare, prosperity, and many other good things.

Because of this, and because of the way America has been structured as a nation providing its citizens with the unique opportunity of self-government, as Judeo-Christians, WE BELIEVE it is our responsibility and right to represent God’s values in the public square, and to influence our society with these values as the salt of the earth and light of the world, which result in harmony and blessing for all who practice them. Principally, we do this by encouraging activities consistent with these values as good citizens as part of our sacred calling. (We also believe this is true for Judeo-Christians in all nations, to the extent that they have the freedom to participate in their society.)

Not only this, but WE BELIEVE that Judeo-Christians should seek to make a positive impact on every aspect of society, including education, media, business, the sciences, the arts, etc.

WE BELIEVE that Judeo-Christians should be politically informed, should exercise their right to vote, should hold elected officials accountable, and when called by God, should run for political offices themselves. It is wholly consistent in America for Judeo-Christians to be involved in the preservation of the rich Judeo-Christian heritage in which America was established and has flourished.

HOWEVER, WE REJECT as unbiblical the belief that America is ‘the new Israel’, chosen by God as His nation to either rule or support the world.

WE RECOGNIZE that there are groups who exist which propagate an ideology consistent with the point above, who speak of a new ‘Christian’ use of force to advance their perception of the kingdom of God, even perhaps replacing the government of America to do so. The media often calls this ‘Christian nationalism’.

WE CATEGORICALLY AND UNEQUIVOCALLY DENY any affiliation with or connection to that form of ‘Christian nationalism’.

WE REJECT the so-called ‘Seven Mountain Mandate’, which calls Christians to ‘conquer’ the governmental and social spheres of our society, rather than simply being a healthy influence resulting from living our lives in Christ-like engagement in every sphere of society, as Judeo-Christians, laying down our lives in the service of others, resulting in human flourishing for the glory of God.

WE DENOUNCE calls to violent, armed resistance in the name of Christian nationalism as an alleged means of advancing the cause of the Gospel or the preservation of our Judeo-Christian heritage. As Ephesians 6:12 states, “…our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, principalities, and powers of this dark world—against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

WE REFUSE to equate America with the kingdom of God; to believe that political power is what will save Judeo-Christianity; to equate loyalty to God with loyalty to a particular political leader or party; to compromise God’s values to keep our political leader in power; and to confuse patriotism with our faith.

We pray that God’s people will put His kingdom and His righteousness first in their lives, so that He can trust true believers, who genuinely represent His heart, to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world.